File: app.js

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  Classes of Arturs Sosins   Titanium Countdown   app.js   Download  
File: app.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example using with 3 different countdowns
Class: Titanium Countdown
Show a time countdown in Titanium label objects
Author: By
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Date: 12 years ago
Size: 5,898 bytes


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/************************************************************* * This script is developed by Arturs Sosins aka ar2rsawseen, * Feel free to distribute and modify code, but keep reference to its creator * * Coutndown class displays updating countdown using provided left time or target timestamp. * It is possible to display countdown in different time units and formats by providing * label objects for specified time units * * For more information, examples and online documentation visit: * **************************************************************/ Titanium.UI.setBackgroundColor('#000'); //create window var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ title:'Countdown Main', modal: true, exitOnClose: true }); //create label function var createLabel = function(y, text){ text = (typeof text == "undefined") ? "" : text; return Titanium.UI.createLabel({ color:'#fff', text:text, top: y, font:{fontSize:20,fontFamily:'Helvetica Neue'}, textAlign:'center', width:'auto' }); }; //for button generation var createButton = function(text, bottom, callback){ var button = Ti.UI.createButton({ height:50, width:"50%", color:'#000', title: text, font: { fontSize:14, fontFamily:'Helvetica Neue', fontWeight:'bold' }, left:"25%", right:"25%", bottom:bottom }); button.addEventListener('click', callback); return button; }; function win1() { //create window var win1 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ title:'Countdown1', backgroundColor: "#000", modal: true }); //year label var year = createLabel(20,"There are {y} years and"); win1.add(year); //months label var month = createLabel(50,"{m} months"); win1.add(month); //months label var week = createLabel(80,"{w} weeks"); win1.add(week); //months label var day = createLabel(110,"{d} days"); win1.add(day); //months label var hour = createLabel(140,"{h} hours"); win1.add(hour); //months label var min = createLabel(170,"{i} minutes"); win1.add(min); //months label var sec = createLabel(200,"{s} seconds"); win1.add(sec); //create countdown var countdown = require('countdown'); var cd = new countdown({ //provide time //here for example 2 years year: 2, sec: 5, //provide lables for outputing //each specific time unit label_year: year,//years label_month: month,//months label_week: week,//weeks label_day: day,//days label_hour: hour,//hours label_min: min,//minutes label_sec: sec,//seconds //on end event callback onend: function(){alert("That's it");} }); //create button to start countdown win1.add(createButton("Start", 150, function(){ cd.start(); })); //create button to stop countdown win1.add(createButton("Stop", 100, function(){ cd.stop(); })); //create back button win1.add(createButton("Back", 50, function(){ win1.close(); }));; } function win2() { //create window var win2 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ title:'Countdown2', backgroundColor: "#000", modal: true }); //months label var month = createLabel(20,"{m} months"); win2.add(month); //months label var day = createLabel(50,"{d} days"); win2.add(day); //months label var hour = createLabel(80,"{h} hours"); win2.add(hour); //months label var min = createLabel(110,"{i} minutes"); win2.add(min); //months label var sec = createLabel(140,"{s} seconds"); win2.add(sec); //create countdown var countdown = require('countdown'); var cd = new countdown({ //provide time //here for example 2 years year: 2, sec: 5, //provide lables for outputing //each specific time unit label_month: month,//months label_day: day,//days label_hour: hour,//hours label_min: min,//minutes label_sec: sec,//seconds //on end event callback onend: function(){alert("That's it");} }); //create button to start countdown win2.add(createButton("Start", 150, function(){ cd.start(); })); //create button to stop countdown win2.add(createButton("Stop", 100, function(){ cd.stop(); })); //create back button win2.add(createButton("Back", 50, function(){ win2.close(); }));; } function win3() { //create window var win3 = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ title:'Countdown2', backgroundColor: "#000", modal: true }); //months label var month = createLabel(20,"{m} months"); win3.add(month); //months label var day = createLabel(50,"{d} days"); win3.add(day); //months label var hour = createLabel(80,"{h} hours"); win3.add(hour); //months label var min = createLabel(110,"{i} minutes"); win3.add(min); //months label var sec = createLabel(140,"{s} seconds"); win3.add(sec); //create countdown var countdown = require('countdown'); var cd = new countdown({ //provide timestampe in future time: Math.round(new Date(2012,11,21,0,0,0).getTime() / 1000), //provide lables for outputing //each specific time unit label_month: month,//months label_day: day,//days label_hour: hour,//hours label_min: min,//minutes label_sec: sec,//seconds //on end event callback onend: function(){alert("That's it");} }); //create button to start countdown win3.add(createButton("Start", 150, function(){ cd.start(); })); //create button to stop countdown win3.add(createButton("Stop", 100, function(){ cd.stop(); })); //create back button win3.add(createButton("Back", 50, function(){ win3.close(); }));; } //open first countdown win.add(createButton("Countdown 1", 300, function(){ win1(); })); //open second countdown win.add(createButton("Countdown 2", 250, function(){ win2(); })); //open third countdown win.add(createButton("Countdown 3", 200, function(){ win3(); })); //open window;