File: examples/Angular/main.ts

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File: examples/Angular/main.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Countly Web SDK
Track site accesses and errors the Countly API
Author: By
Last change: Types
Date: 5 months ago
Size: 2,177 bytes


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import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { appConfig } from './app/app.config'; import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component'; import Countly from 'countly-sdk-web'; window.Countly = Countly; const COUNTLY_SERVER_KEY = ""; const COUNTLY_APP_KEY = "YOUR_APP_KEY"; if (COUNTLY_APP_KEY === "YOUR_APP_KEY" || COUNTLY_SERVER_KEY === "") { console.warn("Please do not use default set of app key and server url") } // initializing countly with params Countly.init({ app_key: COUNTLY_APP_KEY, url: COUNTLY_SERVER_KEY, debug: true }); // Automatic tracking Countly.track_sessions(); Countly.track_clicks(); Countly.track_links(); Countly.track_forms(); Countly.track_errors(); Countly.track_scrolls(); Countly.track_pageview(); // Showing a feedback widget Countly.get_available_feedback_widgets(function (widgets, err) { console.log('Available feedback widgets:', widgets); if (widgets && widgets.length) { console.log('Presenting feedback widget:', widgets[0]); Countly.present_feedback_widget(widgets[0]); // Show the first widget } }); // Reporting a feedback widget's result manually Countly.get_available_feedback_widgets(function (widgets, err) { console.log('Available feedback widgets:', widgets); if (widgets && widgets.length) { console.log('Reporting feedback widget:', widgets[0]); Countly.getFeedbackWidgetData(widgets[0], function (data, err) { console.log('Feedback widget data:', data); Countly.reportFeedbackWidgetManually(widgets[0], data, null); // Report the first widget's data as null }); } }); // add a custom event Countly.add_event({ key: "test", count: 1, dur: 50, sum: 0.99, segmentation: { "Country": "Germany", "Age": "28" } }); // send some user properties Countly.user_details({ name: "John Doe", username: "johndoe", organization: "Countly", phone: "1234567890", picture: "", }); // set custom user property Countly.userData.set("key", "value");; bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, appConfig) .catch((err) => console.error(err));