File: hist/Namespace.plugin-modules.js

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File: hist/Namespace.plugin-modules.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: µ.Flow
General purpose library of objects
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Date: 6 years ago
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/*! // Source: src/namespace.js */ /*! Namespace.js - modular namespaces in JavaScript by Mike Koss - placed in the public domain */ //edited by function Namespace(root, _namespace, version) { var globalNamespace = root[_namespace]; var VERSION = version;//'3.0.1'; function Plugin() {} function numeric(s) { if (!s) { return 0; } var a = s.split('.'); return 10000 * parseInt(a[0]) + 100 * parseInt(a[1]) + parseInt(a[2]); } if (globalNamespace) { if (numeric(VERSION) <= numeric(globalNamespace['VERSION'])) { return; } Plugin = globalNamespace.constructor; } else { root[_namespace] = globalNamespace = new Plugin(); } globalNamespace['VERSION'] = VERSION; // Return new object with just the listed properties "projected" // into the new object. Ignore undefined properties. function project(obj, props) { var result = {}; if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var name = props[i]; if (obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) { result[name] = obj[name]; } } return result; } root['project'] = project; //require method function Use(path) { path = path.replace(/-/g, '_'); var parts = path.split('.'); var ns = globalNamespace; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (ns[parts[i]] === undefined) { ns[parts[i]] = new Plugin(); } ns = ns[parts[i]]; } return ns; } var proto = Plugin.prototype; proto['plugin'] = function(/*path, closure*/) { var ARGS =; var Plugins =; var closure = Plugins.pop(); var Injectors = frdl.Reflector.getFunctionParameters(closure); var fnName = frdl.Reflector.getFunctionName(closure); var vm = require('vm'); function contextify(c){ if('undefined'!==typeof o){ return vm.createContext(c); } var context ={ frdl : frdl }; if('angular'===fnName){ context = frdl.a.module.apply(frdl.a, ARGS); }else if('config'===fnName){ context = frdl.a.module(mod).config.apply(frdl.a, ARGS); }else if('run'===fnName){ context = frdl.a.module(mod).run.apply(frdl.a, ARGS); }else if('inject'===fnName || '$inject'===fnName){ context = frdl.a.injector.apply(frdl.a, ARGS); }else{ frdl.each(Plugins, function(i,mod){ if('string'!==typeof mod){ context[Injectors[i]]= mod; }else{ if(!!frdl.strpos(mod, 'exports')){ context[Injectors[i]]=require(mod); }else if(!!frdl.strpos(mod.toLowerCase(), 'widget')){ context[Injectors[i]]= frdl.UI.getWidget(mod); }else if('undefined'!==typeof frdl[mod]){ context[Injectors[i]]= frdl[mod]; }else { context[Injectors[i]]= Use(mod); } } }); } return vm.createContext(context); }//contextify return { script : vm.createScript(closure,{ compile : 'text/typescript' }), contextify : contextify, run : function(o){ let context = contextify(o); return script.runInNewContext(context); } }; /* var component = Use(path); if (closure) { (function(){ var payload = []; //exports=>this closure.apply(component, payload); }()); } return component; */ }; proto['extend'] = function(component) { var sym; for ( sym in component) { if (component.hasOwnProperty(sym)) { this[sym] = component[sym]; } } }; return proto; }